Ocean County NJ Criminal & Municipal Court Lawyers
Misdemeanors, Felonies, Disorderly Persons, and Indictable Offenses Brick NJ
A wide variety of offenses and disputes are decided in municipal court. Traffic violations such as speeding or reckless driving, and local city ordinance violations all fall under municipal court law.
While some matters heard in municipal court may only result in small fines, things such as garbage or yard violations, other matters can greatly impact your life. Misdemeanors, known as disorderly persons offenses in NJ, speeding tickets and reckless driving may cost you points on your license and a rise in your insurance premiums, and a disorderly persons offense can cost you up to $1,000 in fines and even jail time.
Having a lawyer who is familiar with the local courts, their unique expectations, procedures, and standards, can be extremely beneficial any time you are deciding one of these issues.
At Bronzino Law Firm, we are intimately familiar with Ocean and Monmouth County municipal courts. The members of our Legal Team have appeared in front of most judges across each Municipal Court in both Monmouth and Ocean County’s. We are well versed on the procedures, and laws across the area of practice, and as such, can provide you with the representation you need and deserve in your case.
Traffic Violations Lawyer Monmouth County NJ
One of the most serious charges to be heard in municipal court, a driving while intoxicated or refusal to submit to a breath test conviction carries steep penalties and implications for your future.
The penalties you face for a DUI conviction in New Jersey vary depending on how many previous DUI offenses you have committed, and your BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) results. However, even a first time offense with a BAC of less than .10% carries monetary penalties, possible loss of license, and even jail time!
For this reason it is extremely important that if you are facing a DUI charge, you retain experienced Ocean County legal representation. Bronzino Law Firm can help you to challenge the state’s evidence against you, whether it be improperly calibrated or maintained BAC testing devices, or the probable cause of the arresting officer. For more information about your DUI case, including possible penalties and methods of defense, contact our law office today.
Speeding and Reckless Driving Attorney Toms River NJ
Traffic violation charges such as speeding, reckless driving, driving without insurance, driving with a suspended license, and leaving the scene of an accident are also heard and decided in municipal court. Penalties range from monetary fines and possible points on your license for speeding tickets, to steep fines and penalties, revocation of license, and even jail time for repeat offenses of reckless driving and driving on a suspended license.
By choosing to represent yourself in court when one of these matters is being decided, you may be representing to the court that you are not taking your charges seriously, and as such, will have a very difficult time mitigating penalties and negotiating with the prosecutor. Every Municipality, every Judge, and every Prosecutor are different. If you wish to avoid some or the more serious consequences associated with these charges, Bronzino Law Firm can help you to navigate the process, negotiate with the prosecutor, and protect your future in Ocean and Monmouth County Courts.
Contact our law firm today to discuss your charges, their potential consequences, and to begin mounting your defense today (732) 812-3102.
Disorderly Persons Offense Lawyer Point Pleasant NJ
The most common offenses to be heard in municipal court that are not related to motor vehicle charges are disorderly persons and petty disorderly persons offense. The most important affect a disorderly persons conviction can have on you is the conviction being a part of your public record, appearing on any criminal background check conducted in your name. This is why it is extremely important that, if you are facing a disorderly persons charge, that you retain experienced Ocean County representation.
Some of the most common disorderly and petty disorderly persons offenses in New Jersey include the following:
There is no indictment in municipal court. If charged with a disorderly or petty disorderly persons offense, you appear before the judge to enter your plea, and if it is not guilty, then you may negotiate a plea deal, apply for a diversionary program, or have the judge set a trial date. If not resolved before, the judge finds you guilty or not guilty, along with the sentence, after your trial. If convicted, the penalties can be severe.
Penalties for a disorderly persons conviction can include a jail sentence of up to six months, monetary fines up to $1,000, and mandatory surcharges of almost $200. Petty disorderly persons convictions can lead to up to 30 days in jail, monetary fines up to $500, and a criminal record.
As you can see, any disorderly persons offense conviction carries steep, life altering penalties. The good news is that you don’t have to face them alone. Contact Bronzino Law Firm to begin preparing your defense today.
Misdemeanors vs. Ordinance Violations Wall, NJ
Some municipal court violations, including ordinance violations, certain state regulatory violations (Fish and Game, for example), or traffic violations, are fines to pay and do not require court appearances. Some municipal ordinances and traffic violations do require an appearance, however, like drunk or reckless driving charges. In addition, local ordinances cover a wide variety of areas. From building code and property laws such as zoning, swimming pools, alarm systems, parking lots, and even shade trees, to more general things like public smoking, housing and rent control, loitering, and noise violations and disturbing the peace, city ordinances have the potential to affect a great many parts of our life.
If you are found to be in violation of a city ordinance, you can face steep fines and even possible jail time, and some violations are also placed on your criminal record. Bronzino Law Firm has experience helping the residents of Ocean and Monmouth counties with all of their city ordinance issues. We are familiar with local courts, their expectations and procedures, and we mount creative and effective strategies for effectively resolving all of our client’s municipal issues. Contact us today to discuss your case and to begin crafting a strategy for your particular city ordinance issue today.
Contact Us at our Brick or Sea Girt Office Locations
One of our lawyers are ready to provide a free case evaluation today!
At Bronzino Law Firm, we believe that by communicating honestly with our clients and keeping them well informed, we can find realistic and effective solutions for any legal matter. Our smaller law firm allows to build personal relationships with our clients, give them the attentive care they deserve, and we take pride in remaining competetive in the market and providing high quality counsel at a fair and reasonable price.
Whether you are facing a DUI/DWI charge, a traffic violation, a disorderly persons offense, or a city ordinance violation, our law firm can help you to negotiate with local courts, protect your rights, and ensure the future of you and your family.
To discuss your case with us today in a free and confidential consultation, contact us online or through our Brick, NJ office at (732) 812-3102.