Brick Child Support Attorney Ensures Fair and Accurate Settlements

CHILD SUPPORT LAWYER OCEAN COUNTY NJDetermining a child support arrangement in New Jersey can be a complex issue. While New Jersey law provides us with guidelines which dictate how to calculate child support, there is a great deal of information which must be gathered and correctly input in order to ensure child support payments are fair and correct.

At the Bronzino Law Firm, we take great care getting accurate income figures from both you and your spouse, as well as factoring in child custody arrangements in order to accurately determine your child support obligations and rights in Little Silver, Point Pleasant, Brielle, Bay Head, Berkeley, Toms River, Red Bank, Lakewood, and Belmar. With experience handling a wide variety of child support related issues such as paternity actions, and support modifications, we understand that each client is different, and requires a specific plan of action suited to their own individual needs. You can reach us by calling (732) 812-3102 for an initial cost-free consultation.

Basics of Child Support in New Jersey

Child support is a regular financial contribution made by a non-custodial parent to the custodial parent to support the well-being and monetary needs of a child. It is a mandatory obligation of both parents, as well as the right of the child. It ensures that both the parent with whom the child lives as well as the other parent equally contribute to the child’s financial needs, so the child can maintain a status of living comparable to that within a two-parent household.

Factors Considered in New Jersey Child Support Determinations

When a New Jersey family court is deciding the terms of a child support order, or when a third-party mediator is supporting co-parents in coming to a legal child support agreement, they take several factors into account. These include each parent’s income; health insurance costs for the child and any other regular medical expenses; and financial necessities for the child such as food, housing, school supplies, and extracurricular activities. Child support requirements last until a minor is 19 years old, with certain exceptions for children who require longer term financial support.

Eligibility for Child Support in New Jersey

Any custodial parent of a child under the age of 19, or one who has certain long-term developmental disabilities or healthcare needs, is eligible to receive child support. The non-custodial parent is responsible for paying child support in New Jersey, and the amount is based on various factors involving the adults’ financial capacities and the child’s financial needs.

Obtaining Child Support Regardless of Relationship Status

Family courts consider it every child’s right to receive financial support and every parent’s responsibility to provide it, regardless of whether they are part of the child’s life. As such, courts do not take into account whether the child’s parents were once married or were never married. Such information does not impact the specifics of a child support order.

Child Support And Paternity Actions Attorney Toms River, NJ

In addition to arising in the context of divorce, child support is also an important issue in paternity actions. If you are an unmarried mother interested in collecting financial support from the father of the child, we can assist. If you are an unwed father and you want to know about your rights and obligations related to paying child support, discuss the matter with us.

Ways to Resolve New Jersey Child Support Cases

Parents can sometimes come to a child support agreement on their own, but it is highly recommended that the agreement be legally solidified to protect the child’s rights in the case that the paying parent defaults. Often, parents do not so easily come to an agreement on child support obligations, and as such, mediation is an available option parents can use to resolve disputes. Parents can engage in mediation in some cases, sidestepping the court system to come to a legal agreement. If such mediation is not successful, the couple will have to go through litigation to determine child support obligation. This is a sometimes lengthy and costly process in which a judge uses an Income Shares Model, as well as other relevant factors, to make a determination of an appropriate payment structure for child support payment and finalize a court order.

If you are a non-custodial parent required to make child support payments or a custodial parent seeking to secure payments for your child, you will greatly benefit from the services of a child support attorney such as those on our team at Bronzino Law Firm. Our lawyers can help you settle disagreements over child support and represent you in court disputes, to secure the best interests of your child.

Child Support Termination Age and Exceptions

According to New Jersey law, child support is terminated in New Jersey when a child turns 19 years old. However, there are cases in which child support will continue. If the child has developmental disabilities requiring continued care into adulthood, support payments may be required to continue. Additionally, parents providing child support are required to continue this support until age 23 if the child is still in high school or attending post secondary school.

Child Support Modifications Lawyer Point Pleasant, NJ

In the event of a job loss or substantial pay cut, the payor of child support may need to seek reduced child support payments. Likewise, if the payor gets a promotion or a significant increase in pay, the payee has the right to expect some of that to be passed on to the child in the form of increased child support payments. And of course, when a child reaches adulthood and is legally emancipated, child support obligations need to change accordingly.

Bronzino Law Firm has extensive experience handling all of these issues for clients across Monmouth and Ocean Counties, and is ready to begin helping you today.

Contact a Brick, NJ Child Support Attorney Today

At Bronzino Law Firm, we do not offer a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, we get to know each of our clients and their needs and concerns in any child support or child custody case. We pride ourselves on keeping our clients informed and involved in the legal process, and being able to find creative and unique solutions to any child custody and support issue in Holmdel, Jackson, Rumson, Manalapan, Middletown, Monmouth Beach, and elsewhere in Monmouth and Ocean County.

To speak with us today in a free and confidential consultation, please contact us online or through our Brick, NJ offices at (732) 812-3102.