How to Prepare for an Ocean or Monmouth County Divorce
Typically when someone has been unhappy in their marriage for some time they may begin to ponder what a divorce would be like and the effects it could have on their life as well as the lives of their children. Separation and divorce is statistically proven to be one of the most traumatic things a person can go through. Clearly most individuals who enter a marriage, in most cases, are not really thinking about and certainly not planning for divorce. Naturally the divorce process can then seem very daunting and intimidating. People feel overwhelmed, undereducated, and often times do not have any idea where to turn first or who to ask for guidance. Some very difficult decisions may lie ahead, therefor it is advantageous to gather as much information and be as prepared as possible even before filing the initial complaint.
The Bronzino Law Firm LLC, has represented clients in many communities across New Jersey including Asbury Park, Neptune, Wall, Manasquan, Point Pleasant, Brick, Jackson, Sea Girt, and all of Monmouth County, Ocean County and across the Jersey Shore. The attorneys that make up our Family Law Team understand the seemingly insurmountable task ahead, and are here to walk our clients through this difficult process by providing client-centered counsel every step of the way.
Contact our Brick or Sea Girt offices today by calling 732-812-3102 for a free and confidential consultation regarding your potential divorce.
Keep Records and Assemble Documentation for Your Ocean County Divorce
Information is key during a divorce proceeding. The more documented and detailed information you have recorded, will almost always improve your position during proceedings. Recognize that relying on memory during such a trying and emotional time is not a strategy you can count on and will not be looked upon as credibly as a well kept record.
Documentation for both Child Custody and Child Support
In advance of your divorce, keeping an accurate journal can be very helpful. If child custody and child support may be issues, begin keeping a journal of what parenting tasks you and your spouse do. Sometimes it’s hard to recall exactly who does what, and how often. Documented information about parenting responsibilities can be very important when negotiating a favorable agreement as it relates to child custody and child support.
Detailed Records of Domestic Violence Establishes Credibility
Moreover, if there is domestic violence, abuse or intimidation in the home, it is helpful to document these instances, including: when they happen with the date, time, any witnesses and a description of the events. There might come a time when you will need to recall these events and real time documentation can go a long way toward establishing credibility.
Preparing Financially and Personally for Your Monmouth County Divorce
For those who are contemplating a divorce there are several things you should do in order to be prepared for when and if you decide to move forward. Though divorce is never easy, being organized and prepared can help make the transition much smoother and far less traumatic.
Prepare Financially for Divorce
Here are a few ways that you can prepare financially before you file for divorce:
- Income Information. Documents relating to your finances will be very important. You should have your most recent tax returns; ideally you should have the past 3 to 5 years. If you don’t work, or you’re not the primary earner for your family, you should get copies of your spouse’s financial information.
- Asset Information. You should have a complete list of all assets held in either your or your spouse’s name in addition to those assets held jointly. It is important to remember, just because you or your spouse may own an asset in your individual names, that does not mean the other spouse doesn’t have claims to it. This includes bank accounts, investment accounts, retirement accounts, stock accounts, brokerage accounts, etc.
- Debt Information. Just as you should get information relating to your assets, you should get information relating to all debts and liabilities as well. This means your mortgage, home equity loans or lines of credit, car loans or other vehicle financing information, student loans, pension loans, credit cards, IRA withdrawals, medical debts, or any other outstanding payment obligations you might have.
Prepare Personally and Take Action Before the Time Comes to File for Divorce
Here are a few ways that you can prepare personally and educate yourself prior to the divorce process:
- Think. Begin thinking about what you would like your life to be like after the divorce. Questions such as where do you want to live? What would you like your children’s transition to be like? Do you need to make changes to your work schedule? These are all critical issues for your life moving forward and you should have a concrete idea of exactly what you want.
- Speak with an experienced lawyer. Many of the difficult questions you will be facing have been confronted by an experienced attorney many times already. A knowledgeable and skilled attorney can provide you with the answers and reassurance that you need.
Contact our Experienced Point Pleasant Divorce Attorneys Today
The divorce attorneys of the Bronzino Law Firm, LLC have extensive experience guiding and representing clients through all kinds of divorce and family law matters in Ocean and Monmouth County towns including Toms River, Brick, Ocean, Point Pleasant, Red Bank, and across the Jersey Shore. Since opening our doors our firm has believed in aggressively and zealously representing our clients and using every possible legal tool to help them realize the best post-divorce life possible.
For a free and confidential consultation, please contact us online or through our Brick and Sea Girt offices by dialing (732) 812-3102 today.