The Waiting Game: Coronavirus Shutdowns Result in Unprecedented Family Law & Divorce Cases Backlog in New Jersey

September 14, 2020

The Waiting Game: Family Law & Divorce Cases Backlog in New Jersey

Unprecedented Family Law Cases Backlog and the Potential Benefits of ADR Now more than ever, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) methods such as mediation, collaboration, and arbitration can be considered viable and effective ways of quickly and inexpensively resolving family law issues. The COVID-19 pandemic which forced municipal courts in areas like Ocean and Monmouth Counties

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Mediation Attorney in Ocean or Monmouth County Courts

September 24, 2019

Choosing Mediation Over Divorce Court: Critical Factors to Consider

Mediation, Arbitration, or Litigation in Ocean and Monmouth County Divorce Cases Providing Experienced counsel to Divorce and Mediation clients in Brick, Sea Girt, Toms River, and Wall Township Mediation and arbitration are often considered quick and favorable methods for couples to resolve their divorce, marital asset division, alimony, child support, and child custody and parenting

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