Your Experienced Attorney helps Identify Signs of Financial Abuse in Monmouth and Ocean County NJ

November 9, 2020

What Is Financial Abuse and how to identify it? 

Identify Signs of Financial Abuse with Monmouth and Ocean County NJ Lawyers Financial abuse can most often be found in romantic relationships and marriages. The abuse often happens gradually, making it hard to identify and even harder to escape. Women are the most vulnerable, but anyone can be at risk.  Many people do not recognize

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Why would a mortgage holder agree to wave thousands of dollars of debt instead of foreclosing on the house?

November 6, 2020

What is a short sale?

Short Sales vs Foreclosures Monmouth and Ocean County Real Estate Attorneys Throughout the ups and downs of the economic and real estate markets in the United States, many people have had to sell their homes due to financial distress. One big burst of such sales happened between 2007-2009 during the Great Recession, and a resurgence

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Divorce and Family Home Division Lawyers in Brick NJ

January 30, 2020

Is co-ownership of the family home a viable option in divorce?

The Family Home and Divorce Lawyers Monmouth and Ocean County NJ Helping divorce clients throughout Monmouth and Ocean County towns such as Toms River, Wall, Point Pleasant, Asbury Park, Spring Lake, Brick, and all of Eastern New Jersey A divorce is a destabilizing event for all involved. In the case that the couple has children,

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